Mount Elgon National Park is situated close to Mbale in Eastern Uganda. It covers a total land expanse of 1145 sq km. the park was named after the most significant natural feature – Mount Elgon that stands at a height of 4321 meters; Mount Elgon is an extinct Volcanic Mountain found on Uganda’s border with Kenya. It is believed that millions of years ago, this mountain was higher than Mountain Kilimanjaro which is present day’s highest mountain in Africa.
Although Mountain Elgon is shared by the two neighboring countries (Uganda and Kenya), its highest peak the Wagagai peak found at 4321 meters is found on the Ugandan side of the mountain. Mount Elgon National Park is home to at least 144 bird species. Of particular interest are Jackson's spurfowl, the eastern bronze-naped pigeon, Hartlaub's turaco, the Tacazze sunbird and the endangered lammergeyer.